In crisis

Things have gotten crazy out there in the world.  And yesterday my daughter and her co-workers were told they had 30 minutes to leave the building at the college she works for. She has possibly been exposed to coronavirus.  She’s pretty upset about it, though she knows her risk is low.  It was kind of scary they way that they handled it there.  Honestly, since she will be working remotely now and her fiancé is also remote in his law school, I wanted them to come home.  But, she refused out of fear of infecting me and her dad.  I get it, but it’s a mom thing to want to be with your kids in times of crisis.  My husband feels this as well.  His favorite feeling is everybody here at home in their beds.

My husband sent me a text early this morning.

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This is the man I love.  He may have been away for two years, lost in some other world, but I knew he was in there.  I’m glad that I supported him and waited for him.  It was definitely worth it.  People make mistakes in life.  Sometimes things just happen that are beyond our control…..kind of like this virus.  And I suppose like anything else preparation is the key.

Were we prepared for the worst when we started out our marriage?  I doubt it crossed either of our minds what could potentially lay ahead for us.  But, our marriage was strong, the roots deep.  We prepared for the worst with our actions that came naturally.  A strong dose of love and respect goes a long way and carries through when you have to go without.  It sustained us throughout our crisis.

We are prepared here for this medical crisis as well.  Schools have closed and we are stocked up to be stuck at home if need be.  You might actually be hearing from me more here with all of this extra time.  I plan to read a lot of books and listen to a lot of music and enjoy this bonus time with my kids.

Stay safe!




2 thoughts on “In crisis

  1. family time! ❤ … yessss! During this time of crisis, I too, am looking forward to that most. Stay healthy and enjoy the time with the ones you love.

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